11 There is not enough free memory to complete this operation.
12 A newer version of this printer driver is required for Adobe Acrobat 2.1. Please obtain a newer version of this driver, or install the Microsoft Windows "PostScript Printer" driver from the Printers Control Panel.
13 There is not enough free memory to run Acrobat. The application will now exit.
14 No
15 File '%s' no longer exists.
27 ENU
31 An Acrobat DLL could not be loaded or is the wrong version.
32 Acrobat
39 the left crop value
40 the right crop value
41 the top crop value
42 the bottom crop value
43 of
44 Could not launch the clipboard.
45 The specified file %1 could not be opened.
46 The number of pages replaced must equal the number of pages from the replacement document.
47 Acrobat does not run in Windows Standard mode. The application will now quit.
48 Arial
49 10
54 The substitution font change will not take effect until you restart Windows.
55 The font change will take effect after you restart Acrobat.
57 File:
58 The color manager change will take effect when you restart Acrobat.
64 The starting page number must be less than or the same as the ending page number.
65 The starting page number must be between 1 and the number of pages in the document.
66 The ending page number must be between 1 and the number of pages in the document.
67 The specified file %1 does not exist.
70 Yes
71 There is not enough memory to perform this operation.
72 The Copy operation was cancelled.
73 Please enter a valid number.
74 Acrobat is being used by another application and cannot open PDF files until the other application is closed.
100 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
10000 No error.
10001 A file error has occurred.
10003 The folder is full.
10004 The disk you were saving to or the disk used for temporary files is full. Free some space on this disk and try again, or save to a different disk.
10005 The disk containing this file is not available.
10006 A file I/O error has occurred.
10007 A file read error has occurred.
10008 A file write error has occurred.
10009 End of file was reached unexpectedly.
10010 This file is locked.
10011 This disk is locked and cannot be written to.
10012 This file is busy and cannot be deleted.
10013 Another file already exists under the same name.
10014 This file is already open or in use by another application.
10015 You do not have access to this file.
10016 You do not have permission to write to this file.
10017 This file cannot be found.
10018 File open failed.
10019 Bytes not ready.
10020 User requested stop.
10021 A file I/O error has occurred. The file connection timed out.
10022 A file I/O error has occurred. The file is blocked while reading.
10023 This operation can only be performed on a folder.
10250 No error.
10251 The maximum number of files are already open. No other files can be opened or printed until some are closed.
10252 There are too many pages to print.
10253 There is too much text to display. Can't display more than 32,000 characters
10254 There is no text.
10255 Acrobat can not open this file. There is a modal dialog open.
10256 This action can not be performed from within an external window.
10257 This action can not be performed during full screen mode.
10258 This action can not be performed.
10259 Acrobat can not open this file while printing another document.
10260 Unregistered copy proc for an annotation.
10261 Unregistered copy proc for action.
10262 Unable to determine if a new update for this product exists.
10263 Unable to access the internet
10264 Web Services are currently not available.
10265 Unable to read the Article because it is damaged or missing.
10266 Invalid page range.
10267 Unable to download Acrobat Reader Help file.
10500 No error
10501 Read error.
10502 Write error.
10503 Syntax error.
10504 The file needs to be repaired.
10505 The file is damaged and could not be repaired.
10506 A temporary file could not be opened.
10507 The temporary file is full or nearly full. Close or save any modified documents.
10508 Stream source is shorter than specified length.
10509 A stream specifies an unknown filter.
10510 Operation or data is too complex.
10511 Cos document table full.
10512 A number is out of range.
10513 Expected a null object.
10514 Expected a dict object.
10515 Expected an array object.
10516 Expected a number object.
10517 Expected a boolean object.
10518 Expected a name object.
10519 Expected a string object.
10520 Expected a stream object.
10521 This direct object already has a container.
10522 Implementation failure: this document is now invalid.
10523 Desired operation cannot be performed on this object.
10524 Array out-of-bounds error.
10525 Dict key must be a name object.
10526 This file must be saved with a full save.
10527 Error in encryption filter.
10528 Error in JPEG data filter.
10529 Error in CCITT fax data filter.
10530 Error in LZW data filter.
10531 Error in Flate data filter.
10532 Expected a direct object.
10533 Bad master index.
10534 Obsolete format: treating file as non-linearized
10535 Temp file unexpectedly short.
10536 The Save operation was cancelled.
10537 Encryption and decryption are not supported.
10538 Encryption key is not supplied for a stream.
10750 No syntax error.
10751 File does not begin with '%PDF-'.
10752 Missing %%EOF.
10753 Could not find startxref address.
10754 Value of startxref address not an integer.
10755 Missing 'xref'.
10756 Xref header should be two integers.
10757 Error reading xref entry.
10758 Trailer dictionary start missing '<<'.
10759 Object label badly formatted.
10760 Unrecognized object name.
10761 Unrecognized token type.
10762 Missing endstream.
10763 Unexpected endstream.
10764 Unterminated string.
10765 String too long.
10766 Token too long.
10767 Non-hex character in a hex string.
10768 Unexpected token type.
10769 End of image not found.
10770 Unexpected end of dictionary.
10771 Unexpected end of array.
10772 Error reading dictionary.
10773 Error reading object.
10774 Expected dictionary or array.
10775 Bad foreign object reference.
10776 Parse stack underflow while reading object.
10777 Error reading linearized hint data
10778 Non-hex character after # in a name.
10779 Illegal characters in a name.
10780 An object reference is invalid.
11000 No error.
11001 An internal error occurred.
11002 Out of memory.
11003 Bad parameter.
11004 Operation or data is too complex.
11005 Attempt to release an unlocked object.
11006 Exception stack overflow.
11007 Failed to load an application resource (internal error).
11008 Attempt to register an object with a name already in use.
11009 Attempt to call a method that has not been implemented.
11010 User canceled operation.
11250 No error.
11251 Initialization of the font server module failed.
11252 No Multiple Master fonts were found.
11253 Adobe Type Manager was not found.
11254 A new version of Adobe Type Manager is required.
11255 The Type 1 font 'ZapfDingbats' must be installed.
11256 Font download failed.
11257 Font download aborted.
11258 Bad parameter passed to font server.
11259 No ZapfDingbats or Multiple Master fonts found.
11500 No error.
11501 Too few operands.
11502 Wrong operand type.
11503 Operand too large.
11504 The page contents object has the wrong type.
11505 Expected a number while parsing an image.
11506 Expected end of color space.
11507 Expected AsciiHex or Ascii85 string.
11508 There was an error while trying to parse an image.
11509 Bad object type within a text operator array.
11510 Found an unexpected operator in the display list.
11511 Invalid restore.
11512 Font has not been set.
11513 Too few operands in path.
11514 Image in Form, Type 3 font, or Pattern is too big.
11515 Error while parsing a Form, Type 3 font, or Pattern.
11516 Invalid Type 3 font.
11517 A font is not in the Resources dictionary.
11518 Dash arguments are invalid.
11519 Array length is out of range.
11520 A number value is out of range.
11521 A color value is out of range.
11522 There is an illegal operator inside a text outline object.
11523 A curve operator has the wrong number of operands.
11524 There were several parsing errors on this page.
11525 Wrong operand type - expected type '%s'.
11526 Could not find a font in the Resources dictionary - using Helvetica instead.
11527 Could not find the XObject named '%s'.
11528 Could not find the Form named '%s'.
11529 Unknown XObject type '%s'.
11530 Insufficient data for an image.
11531 An unrecognized token '%s' was found.
11532 Token type not recognized.
11533 There were too few arguments.
11534 There were too many arguments.
11535 An operand is too large.
11536 There was an error reading page %s near the contents:
11537 Expected 'EI' while parsing an image.
11538 Unknown filter name.
11539 Bad decode array.
11540 Illegal operation inside a path.
11541 Illegal operation '%s' inside a text object.
11542 An indexed color table is too small.
11543 Wrong number of arguments for a setcolor operator.
11544 Unknown ColorSpace '%s'.
11545 Could not find the ColorSpace named '%s'.
11546 Invalid Form.
11547 Illegal operation '%s' outside text object.
11548 Form type '%s' is not supported.
11550 Internal error - machine called recursively.
11551 An image is specified as an image mask with more than 1 bit per pixel.
11552 Invalid Pattern.
11553 Pattern type '%s' is not supported.
11554 Could not find the Pattern named '%s'.
11555 Invalid ColorSpace.
11556 A resource is missing
11557 Dictionary is missing the key '%s'.
11558 Could not find the Extended Graphics State named '%s'.
11559 Invalid Extended Graphics State.
11560 Invalid Function resource.
11561 An image uses a color space which will not separate correctly in some applications.
11562 Error in Shading dictionary.
11563 Error in Masked Image.
11564 There were too many color components.
11565 A feature requires PostScript 3.
11566 Invalid alternate image for the XObject named '%s'.
11567 Invalid Transparency Group
11568 Invalid Soft Mask
11569 Invalid Halftone
11570 A color operator was used where it is not permitted.
11750 No error.
11751 Bad font object or font descriptor object.
11752 Error while trying to embed a font.
11753 The root object is missing or invalid.
11754 The base pages object is missing or invalid.
11755 The outlines object is missing or invalid.
11756 Invalid or corrupt font metrics in the resource file.
11757 A page object is missing or invalid.
11758 Error while processing thumbnail.
11759 Invalid annotation object.
11760 The document's page tree contains an invalid node.
11761 Information needed to print a page is unavailable.
11762 This file could not be opened.
11763 Unable to open file for writing. It may be locked or unavailable.
11764 Unable to write file.
11765 Unable to rename temporary file to Save As name.
11766 Unable to recover original file.
11767 Unable to read file.
11768 This is not a valid Portable Document File (PDF) document. It cannot be opened.
11769 This file is already open.
11770 This file cannot be opened because it contains too many pages.
11771 There is not enough temporary disk space for this operation.
11772 Inserting this file would result in a document with too many pages.
11773 There is an error in the bookmarks.
11774 Cannot open more bookmarks.
11775 Unable to extract embedded font.
11776 An error occurred while creating the document notes file.
11777 This document has no notes.
11778 The copy of a page failed.
11779 This file is damaged.
11780 The font '%s' contains bad /Flags.
11781 The font '%s' contains a bad /BBox.
11782 The font '%s' contains bad /Widths.
11784 This file can only be saved using Save As.
11785 Creation of the notes file was cancelled.
11786 One or more pages are in use and could not be deleted.
11787 There is not enough memory available to open the document.
11788 Unable to close document due to outstanding references.
11789 This document requires a password.
11790 This operation is not permitted.
11791 The security plug-in required by this command is unavailable.
11792 Invalid article object.
11793 Invalid article element.
11794 Error while processing articles.
11795 Unknown action type.
11796 Invalid action object.
11797 This file contains information not understood by the viewer. It cannot be used for this operation.
11798 This viewer cannot decrypt this document.
11799 Unable to extract the embedded font '%s'. Some characters may not display or print correctly.
11800 Unable to find or create the font '%s'. Some characters may not display or print correctly.
11801 Invalid annotation color (only RGB colors are allowed).
11802 Cannot execute this command on an unsecured document.
11803 The font '%s' contains bad /FontDescriptor metrics.
11804 There was an error while inserting or extracting pages and another error while trying to recover.
11805 Invalid bookmark object.
11806 Invalid file specification object.
11807 This document was successfully saved, but an error occurred after saving the document. Please close and reopen the document.
11808 Some text in the font and character '%s' could not be displayed or printed correctly. The font could not be reencoded.
11809 Not enough bytes in text string for multibyte character code.
11810 The encoding (CMap) specified by a font is corrupted.
11811 The font '%s' cannot be displayed with the installed version of ATM.
11812 This file cannot be opened because it has no pages.
11813 ATM is running out of memory. Text in font '%s' may not render properly.
11814 There is not enough memory to optimize this file.
11815 The Save operation was cancelled.
11816 These documents contain subset fonts that have the same name and cannot be merged.
11817 This document was successfully saved, but an error occurred after saving the document. Please close and reopen the document.
11818 There is no PDDoc associated with this CosDoc.
11819 The application has not set the host encoding.
11820 Invalid font '%s' was removed from the document.
11821 You cannot delete all pages. At least one page must remain.
11822 The starting page number must be less than or the same as the ending page number.
11823 There is no page numbered '%s' in this document.
11824 The page number cannot be left blank.
11825 '%s' is an invalid page number.
11826 Exceeds support encryption key length
11827 This version of encryption is not supported.
11828 Only Adobe certified Acrobat plug-ins are allowed while viewing this document.
11829 Unable to find a substitution font with all the characters used by the font named: '%s, some characters may not be displayed or printed.
11830 An error has occurred that may be fixed by installing the latest version of the Traditional Chinese Language Support package.
11831 An error has occurred that may be fixed by installing the latest version of the Simplified Chinese Language Support package.
11832 An error has occurred that may be fixed by installing the latest version of the Korean Language Support package.
11833 An error has occurred that may be fixed by installing the latest version of the Japanese Language Support package.
11834 A font required for font substitution is missing.
11835 The encoding (CMap) specified by a font is missing.
11836 Consolidating duplicate images
11837 Consolidating duplicate page backgrounds
11838 Copying file
11839 Optimizing for Fast Web Viewing
11840 Removing unused objects and saving
11841 Saving file
11842 Implementation limit exceeded
11843 There is insufficient disk space for the print job spool file to hold the entire print job. Try freeing up disk space on the startup volume and print the remaining pages of the document again.
11844 Invalid MediaBox
12000 No error.
12001 Unable to initialize font encoding tables.
12002 A security plug-in is already registered with this name.
12250 No error.
12251 The dimensions of this page are out-of-range.
12252 Invalid Type 3 font.
12253 Type 3 font is too complex to print.
12254 Form is too complex to print.
12255 Creation of a raster port failed.
12500 No error.
12501 Initialization of the rasterizer module failed.
12502 Creation of rasterizer port failed.
12503 A drawing error occurred.
12750 No error.
12751 The plug-in was compiled with an out-of-date HFT.
12752 The plug-in appears to be damaged or in use.
12753 The plug-in is incompatible with this version of the Viewer.
12754 The plug-in failed to initialize.
12755 Two plug-ins are attempting to register with the same name.
12756 Attempt to replace an unreplaceable selector.
12757 An unimplemented or obsolete function was called.
12758 The plug-in failed to load.
12759 The Acrobat Reader cannot load this plug-in.
12760 Only the 68K Viewer can load this plug-in.
12761 Only the PowerPC Viewer can load this plug-in.
12762 This is not a trusted plug-in.
12763 This plugin cannot load on MacOS X.
13002 The file does not exist.
13003 The path does not exist.
13004 Too many open files.
13005 Access denied.
13006 Bad file handle.
13008 Not enough memory.
13011 Badly formatted disk.
13015 Invalid drive.
13019 You do not have write permission.
13026 Not an MS-DOS disk.
13031 General failure.
13032 Sharing violation.
13033 Lock violation.
13039 Device does not exist.
13080 File already exists.
15000 There was an error during initialization.
15001 There was an error opening this document.
15002 The document could not be saved.
15004 There was an error processing a page.
15005 There was an error processing an annotation or link.
15006 There was an error processing a text annotation.
15007 There was an error processing a link annotation.
15008 There was an error loading a plug-in.
15009 There was an error unloading a plug-in. Proceed with caution.
15010 There was an error processing bookmarks.
15011 There was an error processing an article.
15012 There was an error processing a destination object.
15013 There was an error processing an action.
15014 There was an error while performing an action.
15015 The document could not be printed.
15016 There was an error while copying to the clipboard.
15017 There was an error displaying thumbnails.
15250 No error
15251 Unknown PDEColorSpace value.
15252 Incorrect PDEObject type.
15253 Unknown PDEObject resource type.
15254 PDFEdit parse stack underflow while reading object.
15255 Unable to create embedded font subset.
15256 Bad block header for type 1 embedded stream.
15257 Unable to get attributes for font.
15258 Unable to get widths for font.
15259 Unable to find font to embed on this system.
15260 This font is licensed and cannot be embedded.
15261 Unable to get image dictionary.
15262 Unable to read image data.
15263 Unable to get shading resource.
15264 Wrong operand type.
15265 Too few operands in path.
15266 There was an error while trying to parse an image.
15267 Read less image color data than expected.
15268 Read less image data than expected.
15269 Invalid or corrupt font metrics in the resource file.
15270 Invalid Type 3 font.
15500 A required field was missing from a dictionary
15501 An incorrect structure was found in the PDF file
15502 Dictionary entry has wrong Cos type
15503 Wrong type parameter supplied to a PDS procedure
15504 There is already a table entry with the same name
15505 Some software required to perform this operation is not present in this version of Adobe Acrobat
16000 1.40
16384 The value of %1
16385 must be between %1 and %2.
16386 must be between %1 and %2 millimeters.
16387 must be between %1 and %2 points.
16388 the greek threshold
16389 the default magnification must be "Fit Page", "Fit Width", "Fit Visible" or it
16390 the greek threshold
16391 the antialias threshold
16392 the page
16393 the magnification must be "Fit Page", "Fit Width", "Fit Visible" or it
16394 must be between %1 and %2 inches.
16396 Embedded File
16400 You cannot delete all pages. At least one page must remain.
16415 the magnification
16657 Acrobat (*.pdf)|*.pdf|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
16658 Acrobat (*.pdf)|*.pdf|HTML Documents (*.htm, *.html, *.shtml)|*.htm;*.html;*.shtml|ASCII text (*.txt, *.text)|*.txt;*.text|